Tuesday, 17 November 2009


kemarin pagi ada seorang temen datang kerumahku. katanya dia mau ngeprint sesuatu. entah setan apa yang lagi goda aku kok jadi penasaran. akhirnya, pas temen aku lagi gak ada di depan komputer. aku langsung makai komputer tersebut. eh ternyata yang dia print itu tentang kubus rubik. langsung aja gw kopi tuh filenya, dan kembali ke posisi semula. habis dia sudah selesai ngeprint. gw baca sampai habis. wadah ternyata aku malah kepengen nyoba, akhirnya gw beli tuh kubus rubik, tapi sulitnya minta ampun dan akhirnya ketemu di ujung kampungw.

kemarin pagi ada seorang temen datang kerumahku. katanya dia mau ngeprint sesuatu. entah setan apa yang lagi goda aku kok jadi penasaran. akhirnya, pas temen aku lagi gak ada di depan komputer. aku langsung makai komputer tersebut. eh ternyata yang dia print itu tentang kubus rubik. langsung aja gw kopi tuh filenya, dan kembali ke posisi semula. habis dia sudah selesai ngeprint. gw baca sampai habis. wadah ternyata aku malah kepengen nyoba, akhirnya gw beli tuh kubus rubik, tapi sulitnya minta ampun dan akhirnya ketemu di ujung kampungw.

setiba dirumah gw langsung praktek, tapi sampek sekarang kok kagak bisa-bisa

bagi temen-temen yang lagi pusing atau pengen tahu rumus si rubik 3x3 bisa di baca di sini. rumus ini dari


Metode yang digunakan disini adalah metode layer by layer (lapisan demi lapisan).









N.B.: STEP 5 ini hanya dipakai pada Kubus Rubik bergambar.


Nama-nama biji pada Kubus Rubik:




-Tidak dibahas disini, karena kami menganggap anda sudah bisa.


-Rumus yang dipakai adalah rumus no. 2



-Rumus yang dipakai adalah rumus no. 3

-Pada step ini kita mengorientasikan biji tepi sampai minimal terbentuk +

-Karena membentuk + (cross), maka step ini sering disebut CROSS STEP.


-Rumus yang dipakai adalah rumus no. 4

-Pada step ini kita berusaha memposisikan keempat biji pojok (corner pieces)

agar pada kedudukan/posisi yang tepat tanpa memperhatikan warna. (lihat

gambar dibawah ini):


-Tentukan satu biji pojok sebagai titik tolak, lalu susun ketiga biji pojok lainnya

hingga akhirnya pada kedudukan/posisi yang tepat.


-Rumus yang dipakai adalah rumus no. 5

-Pada step ini kita berusaha mengorientasikan biji pojok sehingga warnanya


-Sebelum menyeragamkan warna, kita harus berusaha membentuk ikan (fish),

maka step ini sering disebut dengan FISH STEP.


-Rumus yang dipakai adalah rumus no. 6.

-Pada step ini kita memposisikan biji tepi sehingga tepat pada posisinya.

-Untuk kubus rubik 6 warna, step ini adalah step terakhir. (selesai)



-Pada Kubus Rubik 3x3 bergambar, biji center sering kali terbalik-balik.

-Untuk membetulkannya ada Rumus-rumus sbb.:

These two moves rotates two center pieces a quarter turn in opposite directions:

This moves rotates one center piece half a turn:

Keterangan notasi:

‘ : Putaran 90 derajat berlawanan arah jarum jam

‘’: Putaran 180 derajat.

Tidak ada tanda : Putaran 90 derajat searah jarum jam.

Disusun oleh: Teguh Lestari

Untuk           : TL PUZZLE

Pada             : OKT.2008

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Blog For Fun And Profit


If you want to make money from your blog, then you need to build traffic to it. That means that you have to get people to visit your site.


Of course, the main way to build interest in your blog is to place useful content in your posts that many people will want to read. But apart from this, the best way to make a strong first impression is to have a good name.


Remember, the first time many surfers will encounter your blog is as a hit on a search engine; so having a strong blog name may prompt them to click on your URL.


But, how to name your blog so that people will be encouraged to visit it?


Obviously, when you're thinking about how to name your blog, the first thing to consider is how it reflects the content of the blog.


Then, it has to be catchy and unique; avoid using generic words in the name. Also consider the target audience for your blog and consider how the name will draw them.


The name of your blog should also consider the personality you want your blog to have: do you want it to seem fun or serious?


Another consideration in choosing how to name your blog is how the name will attract visitors to your site. After all, apart from your own personal satisfaction, you're also using the blog to make money.


You should also coordinate your blog name and its URL to make it easier for people to remember. For example, if your blog is about fitness, you can name it fitnessisfun.com.

Now listen carefully:


If you want to make a great deal of money from Blogging take a look at Blog Cash today and copy the steps of someone who already earns $1000's from Blogging!!

Don't blog for peanuts when you can earn crazy money given the right techniques!!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Barb_Thornback

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Mafia Wars Cheat

Mafia Wars is a seriously interesting and addicting game to play. Sure, it doesn't feature high end graphics are action packed shoot-out scenes, but the intricate strategies needed to play make up for it's downfalls. However, it's a fact that most participants of Mafia Wars don't apply the correct strategies. In fact, a large amount of players doom themselves for failure right from the start. Here are the easiest and best cheats to put yourself on the right track for success in Mafia Wars.

1. Pick the "Maniac" class only. Sure, you won't get the money that the other classes do, but in this game energy has much more value than money. Energy allows you to do missions, whereas money will not. This is the first mistake that players make when starting out.

2. Don't try and create of huge mafia right away. All this will do is make sure that you fail, nothing else. It takes planning and a well prepared plan before a successful mafia is created. Do yourself a favor and work alone for a while until you are sufficiently prepared, and you'll be happy you did later in the game.

3. Spend your experience points wisely by using them for energy. A lot of players start throwing their points around and getting Godfather points or similar useless items. Well maybe not useless later, but for now they will just slow you down. Energy is the number one necessity for leveling quickly in this game, so get it whenever you can.

4. Don't get yourself on the "Hitlist". Sure, it sounds like fun, but you will end up getting killed constantly by the higher level players. Wait until you are in the higher levels to do this. Remember, you do not want to slow down your leveling.

The above cheats and tips should get you off to a good start in Mafia Wars. As you can see, energy is paramount when it comes to leveling and advancing quickly in the game, so put most of your efforts into getting more energy whenever possible. Avoid the seemingly more fun parts of the game until you're a higher level, or else you'll just end up in a bunch of bad situations. Apply these simply rules and becoming a Godfather will be easier than you've ever thought!

If you'd like to learn more about becoming the next Godfather in Mafia Wars, please visit http://www.conquermafiawars.com/ . It's a great guide that teaches a ton of different strategies to succeed in Mafia Wars.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Cooke

Windows 7 SP1 Coming Summer or Fall 2010

It's like a summer blockbuster. Sorta.

Despite being officially on sale for less than two weeks, Windows 7's been done for months now. And those same Windows developers has been working on the next evolution of the OS. Yes, there will be a Windows 8, but before that there needs to be maintenance for all the current Windows users.

It's like a summer blockbuster. Sorta.

Despite being officially on sale for less than two weeks, Windows 7's been done for months now. And those same Windows developers has been working on the next evolution of the OS. Yes, there will be a Windows 8, but before that there needs to be maintenance for all the current Windows users.

While Microsoft hasn't said anything yet about the first Service Pack for Windows 7, it's an inevitability. Russian site Wzor has information that points to the first beta of Windows 7 SP1 hitting around January 2010. Allegedly, the release schedule for SP1 will include two betas and two release candidates.

According to Neowin, Wzor believes that OEMs will have SP1 during the summer months and end users will be able to install it in the fall.

The first service pack for any Windows OS is significant as that's when many IT departments and some users choose to take the plunge. This blog on InformationWeek urges those who want a new Windows to consider jumping sooner rather than later. Would you agree?

Friday, 6 November 2009

4 Games Girls Love

If you have ever sat down with your daughter at the computer, you have realized that there are certain games that girls love to play that you did not have the foggiest idea even existed previously. The internet has opened up a vast floodgate of information and gaming and now your child has a much wider variety of entertainment options to choose from when she goes online to enjoy a game. Of the hundreds to choose from, many fit into these four popular categories.

If you have ever sat down with your daughter at the computer, you have realized that there are certain games that girls love to play that you did not have the foggiest idea even existed previously. The internet has opened up a vast floodgate of information and gaming and now your child has a much wider variety of entertainment options to choose from when she goes online to enjoy a game. Of the hundreds to choose from, many fit into these four popular categories.

Dress Up Games

Dress up games are exactly what they sound like. Your child dresses up an online doll. The dress up games might consist of the latest fashions, in turn making your child a fashion designer in a sense as she pairs up tops and bottoms and accessorizes skirts and dresses of all kinds. Other dress up games have a more period feel. These dress up games might have you and your child dressing a belle of the ball or a rock star of the Eighties. Other dress up games branch out even more into fantasy characters. For your child, the sheer number of games available makes dress up games a very popular option for expressing creativity and playing a bit with styles.

Cooking Games

Cooking games are great fun to watch and almost addicting to play. When you play a cooking game, you will be manning the grill or the counter. You will learn to balance orders, cook food and essentially keep everyone satisfied. If you are working the grill in a cooking game, for example, you will start by getting basic orders to fill. You will cook what you need, put it on the virtual plate and send it on. The orders get increasingly complex and you must work faster to keep up with the harder orders as the levels continue to increase. At the higher levels, you are essentially running a complex and powerful operation, even if it is just beach hot dogs. Keeping up with orders and planning ahead for what you see coming is a skill that suits everyone on some level.

Role-Play Games

Games where you can take on a new character are immensely popular with both boys and girls. Unlike many games of the past, however, playing the newer forms of role-play games, you get to create the character you like as opposed to simply selecting one of a few ready made characters. Go through the game adding value and points to your character. Take on battles, buddy up with friends and raid, pillage and plunder together in a true definition of team work.

Alternative Worlds

In a game that includes alternative worlds, you will find kids creating full homes and families in their fantasy world. The girls design houses and then take up life in the "new" environment. They drive cars to work and as they get more points, they can trade them in for upgrades to your car or home to make it even more customized to your liking. The alternative worlds that the girls enjoy can also include, and usually do, pets and give them a chance to take responsibility for feeding and caring for a pet, even if it is a virtual gold fish.

Erin Petersson is an enthusiast of dress up games site which caters lots of girls games makeover. As a writer she was inspired for topics that is related much to fashion games of the same sort. Been working as an entrepreneur and has authored a lot of works posted on her sites blogs. She had handled a site like dressup games.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erin_Petersson

Tuesday, 3 November 2009


Sometimes we fill performance our pc slowest. Maybe, it is cause by our application that we have installed in pc too much. In our think to optimize our pc is reinstall the operating system. But, if we do it. Of course we may lose some our data. But in here that one of way to optimize our pc but whit high risk.
Other way is buy a new pc or upgrade pc. Certainly we had go the pace to buy pc or some hardware. Example, we want to upgrade our memory of ram. For 1 GB of ram we may pay 90 thousand rupiahs (that hanged by the kind of memory and the manufacture of that. With this upgrade the performance of our pc is not see rising of the performance.
If you want to making out this problem, you can use application to help you. You can use memory improve master. Memory Improve Master is an intellectualized and easy-to-use application designed to optimize and monitor system memory. It frees up and compresses system memory to make processes run faster and crash less often. Powerful features include the ability to view and monitor data of RAM memory, paging file usage and CPU usage in real time, set parameters RAM optimization, display running processes on your PC, etc
You can download this application http://www.memoryimprovemaster.com/

How To Optimize Your Memory and faster your prosesor

Sometimes we fill performance our pc slowest. Maybe, it is cause by our application that we have installed in pc too much. In our think to optimize our pc is reinstall the operating system. But, if we do it. Of course we may lose some our data. But in here that one of way to optimize our pc but whit high risk.

Other way is buy a new pc or upgrade pc. Certainly we had go the pace to buy pc or some hardware. Example, we want to upgrade our memory of ram. For 1 GB of ram we may pay 90 thousand rupiahs (that hanged by the kind of memory and the manufacture of that. With this upgrade the performance of our pc is not see rising of the

Sometimes we fill performance our pc slowest. Maybe, it is cause by our application that we have installed in pc too much. In our think to optimize our pc is reinstall the operating system. But, if we do it. Of course we may lose some our data. But in here that one of way to optimize our pc but whit high risk.

Other way is buy a new pc or upgrade pc. Certainly we had go the pace to buy pc or some hardware. Example, we want to upgrade our memory of ram. For 1 GB of ram we may pay 90 thousand rupiahs (that hanged by the kind of memory and the manufacture of that. With this upgrade the performance of our pc is not see rising of the performance.

If you want to making out this problem, you can use application to help you. You can use memory improve master. Memory Improve Master is an intellectualized and easy-to-use application designed to optimize and monitor system memory. It frees up and compresses system memory to make processes run faster and crash less often. Powerful features include the ability to view and monitor data of RAM memory, paging file usage and CPU usage in real time, set parameters RAM optimization, display running processes on your PC, etc

You can download this application http://www.memoryimprovemaster.com

Monday, 2 November 2009

Add an Event Calendar to Your Website

Does your website need a javascript calendar to show your visitors your schedule of events? The Scriptcalendar is the solution. The calendar is an attractive event calendar written entirely in javascript. It requires no interaction with the server. It is guaranteed to work on your website. The calendar doesn't require any interaction with the server, so you can run it on any website.

Here are some of the benefits you will get from the Scriptcalendar software

Does your website need a javascript calendar to show your visitors your schedule of events? The Scriptcalendar is the solution. The calendar is an attractive event calendar written entirely in javascript. It requires no interaction with the server. It is guaranteed to work on your website. The calendar doesn't require any interaction with the server, so you can run it on any website.

Here are some of the benefits you will get from the Scriptcalendar software

* Runs on any website and is cross browser compatible javascript.

* The javascript calendar has an object oriented design. The means you can modify many aspects of the calendar by setting a simple property.

* You can control the look and feel through CSS. Every element of the calendar has it's own CSS class. Plus there are many themes already provided that you can select from.

* Add multiple events to the same day by simply adding events to the same date

* Allows you create recurring events or holiday events like Easter.

* You can supply event data in XML format

* Use with plain HTML hosting since it is javascript. But you can also use it with ASP, ASP.Net, JSP, PHP, or ColdFusion. There is example code showing you how to pull events from your database.

* Includes an event editor to help you create your events

The javascript calendar is easy to install. There are four steps you follow. First, download the zip file containing the software. Second, upload the files to your server. Third, place the calendar on one of your pages with single HTML tag. Finally, create you events.

You can alter the calendar CSS to create any effect you want. The various themes included are all examples of how to change the display of the calendar by modifying the CSS and calendar properties. There is a separate CSS for printing.

Many functions of the calendar can be controlled by setting the properties. You can set the behavior of the event hyperlinks. The results can be displayed in the same window, in a pop-up window, or in a floating DIV tag. You set the month and weekday name values, including the language. You control the height and width of the calendar.

Your events can display HTML, including graphics in image tags. You can apply CSS class names to the events to control the foreground or background colors. You can easily turn an event into a hyperlink by adding a URL to the event. Plus there is an event editor included with the javascript calendar to help you write events.
See a working example of the javascript calendar. You can download the demo version and try it for yourself. Try the scriptcalendar today.

Thank you,
Dan Smith

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_K._Smith